jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2009

The positive and negative things to be Chilean

To be Chilean is a important part of me, I think that be it has a lot of good things as the country itself has very positive aspects and for that exists many things for feel us proud, but not everything is good, there is always negative factors of wich we should feel ashamed.
Within our main features it is to be solidarity, this based on consistent facts and knowing like for exemple the “Teletón”; we are the unic country within South America that have this institution that help to a lot of people and that uses the solidarity of all chileans. Other important positive feature of chilean people is to be persevering, because we always try to get what we want and we don’t give up esaily and for that we have got to be where we are and be well regarded internationally. But clearly not all can be good, exist negative aspects too in our personality as a nation and one of this is to be very depressive, and although it is not a characteristic we all share, it is common given the pace of life that has lately (especially in urban areas) has increased and it is difficult to find people who don’t go to any professional of the branch of psichology for solve certain aspects of their lives with those who feel anxious or unhappy. Other negative aspect is the ability we have to leave “everything” to lst minute (characterisitic that I share in all its extension), no matter what it is or how many time we have to do it, we “always” leave everything for when we don’t have time to do it.
Among the things that we should feel proud or ashamed to be aur ability that to fix the things like conutry without the need to enter in war, however, this fact is overshadowed by a truly shameful called “crime” either inside or outside the country, fact that unfortunately is growing and we as a country dirty.
In clonclusion we can say that we have a lot of positives aspects but for many good things that we have, always will highkight the negative ones that are we must minimize to grow.

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