lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2009


Clearly no “Santiaguino” usuary to the public transport has been indifferent to new plan launched in February to 2007, the famous “Transantiago plan”, that would change our way to move us by the city, and it was, it really changed our way to do it because not only came to our streets the gigants busses those actually carry on us to everywhere, if not that with they came new busses stop too and a chaos of machiness that would make a real cirugy to ours old streets.
To the beginning for anybody was easy relearning how move us in Santiago, and the fact to have to walk many times more of one block for can take a bus that would have to get off and take the subway or another little bus for get off again anf take some amother green caterpillar that so far has not become a butterfly, in summary a procession of transports.
As to the places where the system works better or worse; actually and as always has been, is better in the centric places and huge avenues, but luckely all the places of the capital have with more of one route.
My experience with the system has been really good thank God, I live in a avenue where enough taffic flows, but I had to habituate me that they don´t stop in the door of my house and that I have to walk one block to the bus stop in that just some stops (is incredible how it takes time in the morning) and clearly the fact of have studient tariff is not a problem now with the driver, being able to travel with a single pasagge in many busses is really beneficial for my studient pocket too.
The changes that I would make would be related to the not payment by the called “barsas” that lately abound and always have the same faces, I belive that pay the tariff before to boarding to bus like in the peack hours would be a good method and the other change could be implement a special tariff for old people (like in subway) because they deserve pay less.

1 comentario:

Miss dijo...

Clearly no “Santiaguino” SP usuary to the public transport has been indifferent to new plan launched in February to 2007, the famous “Transantiago plan”, that would change our way to move us by the city, and it was, it really changed our way to do it because not only came to our streets the gigants SPbusses those actually carry on us to everywhere, if not that with they came new busses stop too and a chaos of machiness that would make a real ?cirugy to ours old streets.
WW To the beginning for anybody was easy relearning how WW move us in Santiago, and the fact to have to walk many times more of one block for can take a bus that would have to get off and take the subway or another little bus for get off again anf take some SP amother green caterpillar that so far has not become a butterfly, in summary a procession of transports.
As to the places where the system works better or worse; actually and as always has been, is better in the centric places and huge avenues, but SP luckely all the places of the capital have with more of one route.
My experience with the system has been really good thank God, I live in a avenue where enough taffic flows, but I had to WF habituate me that they don´t stop in the door of my house and that I have to walk one block to the bus stop in that just some stops (is incredible how it takes time in the morning) and clearly the fact of have WWstudien WW tariff is not a problem now with the driver, being able to travel with a single WWpasagge in many busses is really beneficial for my studient pocket too.
The changes that I would make would be related to the not payment by the called “barsas” that lately abound and always have the same faces, I belive that pay the tariff before to boarding to bus like in the peack hours would be a good method and the other change could be implement a special tariff for old people (like in subway) because they deserve pay less.

same thing with the sentences, too long.
You need to develop one idea at the time, exemplify and then continue with another.

Some words about transport were checked in class remember?


p.s. you got a 4.8