martes, 1 de diciembre de 2009

The challenges of veterinary

The current world challenges each discipline to constantly updated, which is why in the field of veterinary medicine should be aware of everything related to advances or other alternatives with which to improve both animal welfare as ours and clearly the economic welfare of the owner.

Among the important challenges it is facing a veterinarian constantly find "technology," because we need to avail ourselves of it for many things such as taking exams, sample analysis, genetic manipulation of viruses and bacteria in order to improve the quality of life for both people and animals, the latter also can be engineered to better manage their life expectancy. As we continually informing, and enabling us to be.

Moreover an even greater challenge is related to education, which goes hand in hand with very social affairs, as this is the most important point: if as a society will have a culture of responsible care to pets and will provide education about it from children, that would be much easier to do our job. Furthermore, if the authorities approve laws to punish animal abuse, which fined the irresponsible owners, etc. would create a very different society, and further progress could be made in techniques of all kinds and also go a long way in technology.

It is clear that in many fields related to the area of veterinary medicine that affect it and you can’t handle, such as the part related to the laws and the society as there are things that if, as both the veterinarian is trained to use techniques that don’t become obsolete. Beyond you this, what is important is that you should always try to improve and acquire new knowledge that will provide extra capabilities and help improve the quality of life of their patients.

The actual situation of Veterinary

Most state universities are known to permanently keep all sorts of problems, and the Faculty of Veterinary from Chile University is not exception to the rule.

Today we could call our faculty to be ineffective in many ways such as in the infrastructure side, where even though it has been arranging in recent years, it’s still insufficient in relation to total number of pupils, leading to problems when must occupy it especially in times of examinations where often the assessments should be deferred or set them at times that don’t fall for lack of rooms. This point is justified in part by lack of funds from the state or private companies to fund such activities.

On the other hand we have a deficiency of teachers and the administration, that a part is supported by the fact that due to the change of mesh, teachers should have received training where they would clearly know how to operate of this, to finally fulfill the main objective: integration. Within this same point should be noted that communication between teachers and administration are key to the good functioning of the faculty, as teachers often have one thing and does not allow management or otherwise available, resulting in the wrong come from both and often damaging to students.

With everything outlined above, is disclosed only part of the current situation in university, there are many other things that need improvement and this is important for students, who are the ones who really appreciate the shortcomings of the system, manifested and make themselves known, so that future generations don’t have the same problems we have today.

sábado, 21 de noviembre de 2009

The best of my city.

In general, Chile is a country quite visited and with many tourist attractions for possessing a variety of landscapes, who feel much interest in visiting our capital, in fact, it isn’t unusual to see tourists walking in many parts of Santiago, therefore is important like native people propose important places we know well (or maybe not , because even having lived here all our lives there are many typical and very nice places we don’t know, which should shame us) for a foreigner knows where to go and doesn’t live the city without knowing it.
The first thing that a foreigner must do, is to get a map of the city, after that they must find a good place to stay, after that he must thing and planning an itinerary of visit inside the city.
Taking into account that the order could be any the top five plcaes like suggestions are are:
1.- San Cristobal Hill: Is the main visit place because there are beautiful views of the city and many other attractions to enjoy for hours, also, in the top stays an imponent statue of the virgin Mary, which can be saw from almost anywhere of the city.
2.- O'Higgins Park: Is a very big park where you can walk by hours in a very nice ambient. The “Pueblito” is a very popular place inside to the park. If you are hungry, you can find typical food of all types and flavors and if you like amusement parks, you can also enjoy one called “Fantasilandia”.
3.- Museum of Contemporary Art: Is a great museum located in the middle of the Forestal Park, where you can see exhibitions of all kinds and various cultural activities that frmae our society.
4.- Central Market: Is a very popular place with a great variety of seafood. Is a good place to rest a while and eat exotic and typical food.
5.- La Chascona: And don’t forget to visit one of three Pablo Neruda's houses, where there are very important things about of his life.
This was a short list of places that I think are the most important, but there are many others that are worth a visit and show part of our culture.

viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2009

My experience with the English at the University.

English learning for the most of chilean people is a complex issue, bacause in most schools is not well disseminated by teachers an this was my case, the fact of not having a good basis I’ve played against since I left school, that’s why today despite not knowing much English as I would, I am equally proud of what I know and have get in university, because we can say that almost start from zero and therefore I know that I will get a better level of the Anglo-Saxon language.
I relly started learning at another institution I was before studying veterinary medicine and that was very hard because I already named little knowledge about the language, but I think that gave me some basis, however the place where it really understands things was the “Chilean-North American Institute of Culture” where I completed a very productive semester.
When I started my studies at this university in which I thought would never see more than the English, let us rest a half before learning of the sad reality, would have to take the compulsory course.
Despite my traumatizing past experiences, was not so here, the methods used were very educational and as I had some basis was not so difficult the thing what I thought would be terrible for me, was for this reason I decided to continue with the non-compulsory English courses, because I think it is a necessary tool for this career.
Compared with previous courses, I must admit the latter to be more difficult, focus on things much more specific and correct many flaws that bring including grammatically and phonetically.
With reference to above, I dare say that my experience at this university with English was good (and I hope it continues) and that was the proper wisdom to put it as fact required course, because it is too necessary for us as it is a good way to correct our shortcomings and supplement this.
Way of marking propose to include as many hours devoted to this subject (which can be divided into one hour a day, not necessarily putting everything together) in order to encourage and facilitate further learning of this language that is so important and we will continue for the rest of our job performance.

jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2009

My favorite animal is.....

Although as a future Veterinary must attend different types of animals without giving preference, always have had my favorite: the cats.
The cat is a domstic feline that exist since many time ago, was spoken in the time of Egyptians about them, even being adored by them for thier ability to get rid of pests such as rodents. This animal is characterized by its small size, generally covered with hair all over its body, has an excellent sense of smell, hearing and vision splendid, even more fantastic when used in a night. Is a strictly carnivorous animal, innate hunter and one of its main virtues is its ability to stand down in almost all situations (there are always exceptions), because it has a system so allows reflection.
The domestics cats or scientifically known as Felis catus are nocturnal, therefore sleep in the day (they need to sleep at least 18 hours), when living in groups have hierarchical structures, but usually they live along. In the number of pups per litter, fluctuating from 4 to 8, may be from different fathers per litter. With respect to longevity, they usually don’t exceed the average 10 years, but well cared have been known cases where they may live to 25 years old.
Usually suffer from diseases related to respiratory tract such as colds, rhinitis or sinusitis and can be victims of both external and internal parasites, wich can cause serious complications and even if they will be found immunosuppressed or taking some other frame can become death, implying a risk for the owner if there is.
To conclude we can say that in general cats are very territorial animals so their owners are also part of his dominions, being very affectionate and playful individuals with wich you can buy bonds, it is worth keeping as pets.

The positive and negative things to be Chilean

To be Chilean is a important part of me, I think that be it has a lot of good things as the country itself has very positive aspects and for that exists many things for feel us proud, but not everything is good, there is always negative factors of wich we should feel ashamed.
Within our main features it is to be solidarity, this based on consistent facts and knowing like for exemple the “Teletón”; we are the unic country within South America that have this institution that help to a lot of people and that uses the solidarity of all chileans. Other important positive feature of chilean people is to be persevering, because we always try to get what we want and we don’t give up esaily and for that we have got to be where we are and be well regarded internationally. But clearly not all can be good, exist negative aspects too in our personality as a nation and one of this is to be very depressive, and although it is not a characteristic we all share, it is common given the pace of life that has lately (especially in urban areas) has increased and it is difficult to find people who don’t go to any professional of the branch of psichology for solve certain aspects of their lives with those who feel anxious or unhappy. Other negative aspect is the ability we have to leave “everything” to lst minute (characterisitic that I share in all its extension), no matter what it is or how many time we have to do it, we “always” leave everything for when we don’t have time to do it.
Among the things that we should feel proud or ashamed to be aur ability that to fix the things like conutry without the need to enter in war, however, this fact is overshadowed by a truly shameful called “crime” either inside or outside the country, fact that unfortunately is growing and we as a country dirty.
In clonclusion we can say that we have a lot of positives aspects but for many good things that we have, always will highkight the negative ones that are we must minimize to grow.

lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2009


Clearly no “Santiaguino” usuary to the public transport has been indifferent to new plan launched in February to 2007, the famous “Transantiago plan”, that would change our way to move us by the city, and it was, it really changed our way to do it because not only came to our streets the gigants busses those actually carry on us to everywhere, if not that with they came new busses stop too and a chaos of machiness that would make a real cirugy to ours old streets.
To the beginning for anybody was easy relearning how move us in Santiago, and the fact to have to walk many times more of one block for can take a bus that would have to get off and take the subway or another little bus for get off again anf take some amother green caterpillar that so far has not become a butterfly, in summary a procession of transports.
As to the places where the system works better or worse; actually and as always has been, is better in the centric places and huge avenues, but luckely all the places of the capital have with more of one route.
My experience with the system has been really good thank God, I live in a avenue where enough taffic flows, but I had to habituate me that they don´t stop in the door of my house and that I have to walk one block to the bus stop in that just some stops (is incredible how it takes time in the morning) and clearly the fact of have studient tariff is not a problem now with the driver, being able to travel with a single pasagge in many busses is really beneficial for my studient pocket too.
The changes that I would make would be related to the not payment by the called “barsas” that lately abound and always have the same faces, I belive that pay the tariff before to boarding to bus like in the peack hours would be a good method and the other change could be implement a special tariff for old people (like in subway) because they deserve pay less.

A country I would like to visit.

This is one of the most hard questions than sombody could do it me, because I want to know all the world if I can!, but if I must to choose just one country, I think that it would be Japan. Always caused me curiousity the oriental culture, specially the japonese culture, becuase when I was a child I liked the “manga”, in fact I studied for two years English- Portuguese- Japanese translation, but it was not the mine, the good part is that I knew the customs from a lot of places, because I has professors from EEUU, England, Brazil, Portugal and Japan of course and I must to say that I fell in love a little more with Japan. How they have managed to preserve their ancient traditions, despite to be one of the countries with more technology in the world, it is causes me the most curiousity, the form that there are in the same block an old temple and a built with the most modern architecture, and how they show respect for others, specielly for old people and the environment, even until to cook they are really methodicals and keep old forms for do it, which reminds me that I like a lot the tipically japanese food (less sushi, I really hate it), well there are too many japanese things that like me, even I think that I would have liked to had studied my secondary there (the school uniforms are really lovely), but when I will finish my college I would like to do some post grade in Tokio (for that I must to finish my language studies) that is the form how I could stay more time there, because I don´t know if I want to stay there all my life, and if not, I will go anyway, it is something that definilly I must to do someday, although will be just for one week I going to visit the country most interesting for me.

miércoles, 26 de agosto de 2009

My first term of 2009

In general, my demurrage during these years in this university have not been easy, but the last academic semester was one of the worst. I had heard say that third year was a year very hard, but I didn´t imagine that it was so terrible. The passage from basic to preprofessional cycle is really evident, the difficulty of the matters increase it in a 100%, making see the courses of the first and second years too easy, but anyway, it was not all bad, I think. Nevertheless I learned a lot of things very useful for my future profession and I realized that if I want to be a veterinary from “Universidad de Chile” I must put the maximum of effort, because I confess that there was little motivation for me and that was one of the principal reasons because I suffered a lot with the past semester.

On the sports side I was quite satisfied because I began to learn a new sport: Taekwondo, that despite the hard training I like very much and I pretend to continue with it this semester.

In my free time I must to say that I made the mistake to internalized me in the world of “Facebook” and its games, place where I was a lot of hours (and I confess that was lost hours in which I should study).

But anyway, doing a balance of all evil against the good things that happened to me, I think that my major challenge was not the last term, if not everything that comes, to finish being formed professionally and when that moment finally arrives, I will look back and I will see with pride all that I got with effort.