jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2007

My favorite website

Well, I must make a college's work, and I have to write about my favorite website, I usually visit one in specially.... The Fotolog web site!!!!!!!, because I like watch all kind of pictures of my friends, also of unknow people ( =P ) and that people watch my pictures.
It's like my journal where I can write stuff about my life, my thoughts, the things that happen to me during the day (good and bad stuff, also funny)....and people (specially my friends) leave messages for me (nice and mean messages, but I can delete the mean one).
Beside I can change the colours of the page (backgrounds and letters).
Every messages had his own link and you can visite others fotologs pages, you can see new pictures of your friends or unknow people and you can meet them if you want, you just have to leave a message!!!!!.
Even people can see the phisical evolution of my self through the photos.
Well, this is the reason of why this is my favorite website, and if you want to know my fotolog page, you can visite www.fotolog.com/konekomeyko .......

1 comentario:

Miss dijo...

well done!
a couple of things...
physical, stuff does not normally take plural, remember the word unknown and finally when you mention your personal preferences you like, love or hate doing something ok?

you got a 6.5