sábado, 8 de septiembre de 2007

Johnny Deep's Biography

Nowdyas there is a lot of important people who do it an interview, but I chose one in specilly, because he is one of my favorites actors... His name is...Johnny Deep.

Well, Johnny, tell me, when did you start like actor?

Let me see, I think that I started my carrer in 1984 like Glen Lantz in the horror movie "Nightmare in Elm Street", directed by Wes Craven, I remember it, I was so exited....and I remember it with affection.

Wow, a difficult job, I think....interesting, but in other matter, What do you do in your free times, no like actor, if not just like Johnny?

Ja ja ja....just like Johny....hammm.....well, I like so much to read.....all kind of books, but in specilly terror's books.... I recognize that I lost a lot of time reading things....Beside the new paper!!!!!! jajajajajajajaj......and I like the painting.....but just see it...I'm not a good artist!!!!!!.......and spend some money in works of art, it's like a bad habit.

jajajajaja, is not so bad habit.....like the music for exemple, I know you like it so much the music, in fact; you was in a group, say me something about that.

Yes!!! that is right!!!!!... well, the music is like a lamp that to light my memories. There is some music that transport me to specifics moments of my life. For exemple there is certain music that remember me when my childs were born, and when I listenning to I cry immediately!!!!!!. The music is indispensable in my life and my job. Before one scene I usually listenning to music and it help me for the paper and feel some emotiones. For this reason the sound track is so important for a movie.

So.... I hear that your next movie is a musical, Is the first time that you sing in a movie?

Yes, for these reason I thought it when Tim to offer me the paper. I don't want people think's that I know to sing, at all. I have musical education and good ear, but I had never sung. This is another challenger for I could not say no. For the moment they have not discharged me, and that it is a good signal, but we see the public opinion.

...and, will you miss to Jack sparrow?

Yes, so much, because I keep a great memory about this experience. It was three years working with the same astist`s group. We have a family and say them bye will be sad, but I feel me luckelly because I belonged to these group.

How did you confront the illness of your daughter?

The illnes of my daughter, who is better now, and she has come back to be the healthy and cheerful girl, have learn as to Vanessa and me to give thanks for everything, and focus as in our family's union. And now I just want health for my family in the future. Although it sound`s tawdry, the life is like the bird`s sing, the better is to take advantage to the present and enjoy it.

Ok, and the last question, Would you like have more childrens?

jajajajajaja, of course, I'ld like so much, a lot of.....jajajajajaja.

1 comentario:

Miss dijo...


there are a lot of people. Remember thats always plural in English.

ps you got a 7