martes, 1 de diciembre de 2009

The challenges of veterinary

The current world challenges each discipline to constantly updated, which is why in the field of veterinary medicine should be aware of everything related to advances or other alternatives with which to improve both animal welfare as ours and clearly the economic welfare of the owner.

Among the important challenges it is facing a veterinarian constantly find "technology," because we need to avail ourselves of it for many things such as taking exams, sample analysis, genetic manipulation of viruses and bacteria in order to improve the quality of life for both people and animals, the latter also can be engineered to better manage their life expectancy. As we continually informing, and enabling us to be.

Moreover an even greater challenge is related to education, which goes hand in hand with very social affairs, as this is the most important point: if as a society will have a culture of responsible care to pets and will provide education about it from children, that would be much easier to do our job. Furthermore, if the authorities approve laws to punish animal abuse, which fined the irresponsible owners, etc. would create a very different society, and further progress could be made in techniques of all kinds and also go a long way in technology.

It is clear that in many fields related to the area of veterinary medicine that affect it and you can’t handle, such as the part related to the laws and the society as there are things that if, as both the veterinarian is trained to use techniques that don’t become obsolete. Beyond you this, what is important is that you should always try to improve and acquire new knowledge that will provide extra capabilities and help improve the quality of life of their patients.

The actual situation of Veterinary

Most state universities are known to permanently keep all sorts of problems, and the Faculty of Veterinary from Chile University is not exception to the rule.

Today we could call our faculty to be ineffective in many ways such as in the infrastructure side, where even though it has been arranging in recent years, it’s still insufficient in relation to total number of pupils, leading to problems when must occupy it especially in times of examinations where often the assessments should be deferred or set them at times that don’t fall for lack of rooms. This point is justified in part by lack of funds from the state or private companies to fund such activities.

On the other hand we have a deficiency of teachers and the administration, that a part is supported by the fact that due to the change of mesh, teachers should have received training where they would clearly know how to operate of this, to finally fulfill the main objective: integration. Within this same point should be noted that communication between teachers and administration are key to the good functioning of the faculty, as teachers often have one thing and does not allow management or otherwise available, resulting in the wrong come from both and often damaging to students.

With everything outlined above, is disclosed only part of the current situation in university, there are many other things that need improvement and this is important for students, who are the ones who really appreciate the shortcomings of the system, manifested and make themselves known, so that future generations don’t have the same problems we have today.